Health Monitoring Diary App by MedM

All-in-one health monitoring tool for personal and family use

Version: 3.2.896
Released: 2025-02-06

How to install:

  • Download the APK you want to install.
  • Navigate to your phone settings menu then to the security settings. Enable the Install from Unknown Sources option.
  • Use a file browser and navigate to your download folder. Tap the APK to begin the installation process. (Android O and before)
  • Android will ask you to grant permission to either the file browser or your web browser to install the app. (Android P and later)
  • Grant the permission and it should bounce you back to the installation screen. If not, navigate back to your Download folder after granting the permission to try again.
  • The app should safely install.
Version: 3.2.896
Released: 2025-02-06

How to install:

  • Download the APK you want to install.
  • Navigate to your phone settings menu then to the security settings. Enable the Install from Unknown Sources option.
  • Use a file browser and navigate to your download folder. Tap the APK to begin the installation process. (Android O and before)
  • Android will ask you to grant permission to either the file browser or your web browser to install the app. (Android P and later)
  • Grant the permission and it should bounce you back to the installation screen. If not, navigate back to your Download folder after granting the permission to try again.
  • The app should safely install.

The award-winning Health Diary by MedM is more than an all-in-one vitals tracking app, it is the world’s only holistic health monitoring diary that can automatically collect 20+ measurement types from hundreds of different Bluetooth-enabled health monitors, save the collected data to the user's personal health record, export as a file, sync with Apple Health/Google Fit, and make the collected data accessible to caregivers.

MedM Health Diary is built to support users in reaching their health & wellness goals, managing their own or a loved one's chronic condition, and improving the quality of life.

Some premium features of this health tracking app require a subscription. The basic functionality remains free and accessible to all users. Please note that single MedM account will work with each and every one of the MedM personal health monitoring apps (all five work with the same cloud service). 

This health monitoring app functions as a single-entry point for logging of physiological data such as blood sugar and pressure, heart rate, body temperature, ECG, body weight (with body composition), level of blood oxygen (SpO2), spirometry, activity, sleep and more.

Ultimately, Health Diary by MedM is a personal health and vitals logging system, that is designed to help users track and manage various symptoms and conditions, and maintain an awareness of their overall health and achievements. MedM Health diary can be used for monitoring pregnancy, and by people wishing to manage their body weight, level of physical activity or medication side effects, individuals suffering from chronic stress or cardiovascular problems, COPD, sleep apnea, asthma, kidney disease, and other conditions. 
Health Diary by MedM does not require users to register, but registered users have the option to back up their health data to MedM Health Cloud and even share it with other trusted registered users, such as family members, coaches, trainers, doctors, or other caregivers for the purpose of remote monitoring. User data is stored encrypted to safeguard against unauthorised or unlawful access and is not sold, traded, or accessed by MedM. Unregistered users can keep their health diaries in offline mode, meaning that data is stored on their smartphone only.

Health Diary Basic Features:

- Automatic data collection from an unlimited number of connected health meters
- Manual data entry
- App use with or without registration
- Online data backups for registered users
- Reminders for taking medications & making measurements
- Configurable dashboard
- Measurements history, trends, and graphs
- Basic data export
- A two-week free MedM Health Premium trial

Health Diary Premium Features:

- Multiple health records for the family (including pets)
- Data sync with connected health ecosystems (Apple, Garmin, Google, Fitbit, etc.)
- Health records sharing
- Remote health monitoring (via the app or MedM Health Portal)
- Notifications for threshold, reminders, and goals
- Special offers from MedM partners and more

Overall, this health & wellness data logging & journaling app offers:

  • Apple Health Data Sync: (for iPhones and also iPads running iOS 16.3 or later): export and import of activity, sleep, exercise, heart rate, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, spirometry, respiration rate, blood oxygen, and body temperature data. Stress Level can be imported from Apple Health.
  • Google Health Connect Data Sync: (for Android devices): export and import of activity, sleep, exercise, heart rate, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, blood oxygen, and body temperature data. Pleae note that Google Fit has been discontinued by Google to be fully replaced by Health Connect by 2025, more information about this change is available in MedM Blog).
  • Easy data entry: the app can be set to receive data from medical devices automatically (the settings screen appears at pairing); alternatively, it takes just a couple of taps to add a journal entry manually.
  • Reminders: customizable reminders can be set for various repeat intervals and help to make sure that measurements and/or pills are taken on time.
  • Notifications: (push or email) can be sent if measurements for selected vital signs surpass a set threshold value.

  • Reports: can be created and downloaded in CSV, PDF, and XLSX formats for all or select measurement types for various time frames, via the MedM Health Cloud service.
  • Data sharing: MedM Health Cloud users can grant access to their health data to loved ones, nurses, physicians, and other trusted individuals. The cloud keeps the health journal safely stored and up-to-date, even if a users smartphone, medical, and fitness devices change. Caregivers can also generate reports and receive notifications on missed reminders or violated thresholds set for specific reading types.
  • Uncluttered interface: the app has a clean and minimalistic design with no ads or in-app purchases.
  • Data safety: MedM employs all applicable data protection best practices: measurements are securely synchronized with MedM Cloud via HTTPS protocol and data is stored encrypted on securely hosted servers. Users exercise full control of their records and can export or request to delete them at any time.
  • Data export: CSV and other file formats (via the web portal).


Supported Measurement Types: 

    - Activity
    - Blood Cholesterol
    - Blood Coagulation
    - Blood Glucose
    - Blood Ketone
    - Blood Lactate
    - Blood Pressure
    - Blood Uric Acid
    - Body Weight
    - ECG
    - Exercise
    - Fetal Doppler
    - Heart Rate
    - Hemoglobin
    - Medication Intake
    - Mole Scan
    - Oxygen Saturation
    - Respiration Rate
    - Sleep
    - Spirometry
    - Temperature
    - Triglycerides
    - Urine Test

    Compatible meter brands include Omron, MIR, Nonin, Beurer, A&D, Rossmax, TECH-MED, ForaCare, Taidoc, Contec, Andesfit, Tanita, ChoiceMMed, Contour, Masimo, Jumper, Sinocare, ZEWA and many others (see our list of supported sensors).

    Data can be stored directly on the phone/tablet or automatically synced with cloud service at

    Note from MedM: in 2024 Google deprecated Google Fit and replaced it with Health Connect as the central hub for sharing data between Android apps. While the transition is scheduled to be fully completed by mid-2025, many users have already lost the ability to directly sync their data with Google Fit. Please consult our blog post for more info about the process and instructions for users on how to save and migrate their health data.

    App Privacy Policy
    App Terms of Service
    MedM Health User Manual (Eng)
    MedM FAQ (Eng)


    Great app, simple and robust.


    "Especially like it for Google Fit sync."


    I like this app as a caregiver.


    "Because it enables me to monitor & document my wife's BP, making communication between her medical team & I efficient & effective".


    "The supported device range is actually quite impressive".


    What I really like about this app is the vast devices I can connect to it to help track my overall health.


    "I have used the result to show it to my doctor whenever I do checkup visits".


    This App is very good.


    "Keeps accurate records so I can share with my doctor and keeps me informed of how my blood sugar is at a glance. Thank You".


    The best way to consolidate data from smart devices by different manufacturers.

    "I've started using the app recently and I highly recommend it even if no smart devices are involved: manually entering measurements (weight, temperature, blood pressure, notes) is easy and pushing data to Apple Health works very well. But the app really shines when it comes to directly integrating a number of different brands and devices. It's truly impressive! All of that without annoying ads."


    Good simple app I was looking for.


    "Besides Glucose & BP there's more in the app such as blood oxygen, heart rate, weight, sleep, ECG, and actively plus more."


    The best way to consolidate data from smart devices by different manufacturers.

    "I've started using the app recently and I highly recommend it even if no smart devices are involved: manually entering measurements (weight, temperature, blood pressure, notes) is easy and pushing data to Apple Health works very well. But the app really shines when it comes to directly integrating a number of different brands and devices. It's truly impressive! All of that without annoying ads."


    Just GREAT app.


    "Used it for more than two years now and it sync all data to cloud. I have two blood pressure devices, one with Bluetooth and one without so I also have to type data in manually. But it's easy to use and I recommend this app for sure".


    MedM Health is an excellent tool


    "For those who want to log and possibly share their Sp02, pulse and other vitals on a regular basis".


    Helps me in controlling my blood sugar level


    "without manually writing in a book".


    The MedM app essentially acts as the middle man...


    " do all the grunt work of data collection and integration. It can then seamlessly send that information to any designated health app that you prefer."


    Very impressed with this App for storing and reviewing my vitals.


    "I highly recommend it".


    Have been tracking my and my family's temperature readings for 6-8 months.

    "I was able to share that information with the doctor, who was able to diagnose my problem better. Will continue to use the app and also recommend it to my friends".


    I use your app in my iPhone, as do my patients.


    "I'm a Medical Doctor in Argentina, and I have patients in other countries and monitor their vital parameters at home, like, blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, EKG, Oxygen saturation, weight and body composition, pulmonary artery pressure, etc."