MedM Logo and Other Brand Assets: Graphic and Attribution Guidelines for Partners

Welcome to MedM’s hub for partner guidelines and assets. Our company’s visual identity is based on trademarked and copyrighted materials, including logo, slogan, app icons, and screenshots. This resource is designed to clarify the proper use of MedM’s graphic materials while adhering to our brand standards and legal/licensing restrictions. These guidelines have been specifically developed with MedM partners in mind, aiming to ensure a seamless experience for end-users and to prevent any unclear marketing messages, unmet expectations, or customer dissatisfaction. Images, including logos and app icons, can be downloaded from the links provided at the bottom of the page. 

Attribution for MedM B2C Apps

Partners are required to clearly state that the referenced app is developed, maintained, owned, and marketed by MedM (unless otherwise agreed upon in writing). The official MedM app icon must be prominently displayed on all printed and digital materials (including video), such as user manuals, app installation & pairing instructions, marketing messages regarding app functionality.

Marketing Communications on Free and Premium App Features

It is also required that partners clearly indicate that MedM apps offer both basic (free) and premium features, with the latter requiring a paid subscription. Links to the official app pages should always be provided to users, along with a note that the most up-to-date and complete description of app functionality is available on the developer's official website:

Information on Special Upgrade Options

MedM partners, who have secured special Premium Membership pricing for their end users, must clearly communicate that the upgrade is available at a discount. Device vendors and resellers should specify the discount amount and ensure that users fully understand the regular subscription price and the terms for renewal. Clear instructions for claiming the discount should also be made available to users.

Using MedM App Icons, Logo, and Slogan

The slogan "Enabling Connected Health®" is trademark-protected and must be clearly attributed to MedM when quoted. MedM corporate logo and app icons can be used on a white or black background. The exclusion zone must be equal to half the height of the image. The MedM logo should not be smaller than 70 px in digital or 20 mm in print, and MedM app icons should never be smaller than 21 px in digital or 6 mm in print. App icons may also be printed in monochrome on device user manuals. The MedM logo, app icons, and slogan may not be misinterpreted or modified, including their orientation, color, and composition.  

Screenshots, Brand Authorization Letters, Photos, and Other Materials on Request

For printable quality screenshots, photos, expert opinions and comments on the topic of connected health, brand authorization letters for the use of MedM-owned copyrighted materials, or other related requests, please contact our communications unit at 

